Contract Growing

Welcome to our Contract Growing Services

Welcome to our dedicated Contract Growing page for carbon sequestration initiatives. As experts in regenerative agriculture and carbon sequestration, we provide contract-growing solutions for carbon farming projects that contribute to global climate change mitigation efforts.

Tailored Contract Growing Services

At our tree nursery, we offer tailored contract growing services for carbon farming projects. With advanced knowledge in agroforestry and a proven track record in producing high-quality saplings, we support your carbon sequestration efforts, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting soil health improvement. Our contract growing process is tailored to your specific requirements – from species selection based on carbon capture capacity to delivery timing for optimal planting season.

Overcoming Challenges in Carbon Farming Supply

Securing the required species and volume for carbon farming projects can often be challenging, especially when operating under time constraints. By choosing a pre-growing or contract growing arrangement with us, you ensure a consistent supply of the right species when you need them, mitigating last-minute stress and stock unavailability.

Australian Native Trees:

Planning for Success in Carbon Sequestration

​Typically, carbon sequestration plans are finalized months ahead of actual planting. However, plant supply contracts often aren’t awarded until shortly before installation. This short notice period can result in necessary substitutions unless the nursery has the exact quantity, pot size, species, and seed stock readily available. To avoid this, we recommend entering into a pre-grow contract early in the project planning stage.


Understanding Growing Time Frames

​The time frame for growing can vary based on several factors including the time of year, species type needed, container size required, germination time, and seed availability. As a general rule, the lead time can range from 9 weeks to 9 months.


Your Partner in Carbon Farming

​We have positioned ourselves as an industry leader in the carbon farming sector, known for our meticulous care in growing trees that thrive in various climates and contribute significantly to global carbon capture efforts. We invite our clients to be a part of their tree’s journey from seed to a mature carbon-capturing powerhouse, offering full transparency in our growth process.


Contact Us for Carbon Farming Support

​If you’re considering a carbon farming project or need support with a carbon offset initiative, our team of agroforestry professionals is ready to assist. Contact us to learn more about how our contract growing services can help you meet and exceed your carbon farming goals.

Lets Work Together

Hurley's specialises in managing large-scale contract growing and carbon projects, providing expert solutions for tenders and initiatives